Email: farmertaylor@yahoo.com with any questions or to discuss large orders, custom projects, or to arrange an appointment.
We are very excited to continue to expand and evolve our nursery focusing on Natives and Hedgerow plants. In 2023 we grew over 80,000 plants for projects around Southern Oregon. We are primarily focused on wholesale contracts with local restoration organizations and nurseries, however we do host annual Spring and Fall plant sales and are open for other retail sales by appointment. For large orders please contact us in the fall for the following year’s project needs.
Our focus is on the following types of plants:
- Native Trees and Shrubs
- Hedgerow Plants
- Herbs and Perennials
- Annual Vegetables and Flowers
2024 Native Tree and Shrub Species List*
Bigleaf Maple |
Acer macrophyllum |
Oregon Ash |
Fraxinus latifolia |
Chokecherry |
Prunus virginiana |
White Alder |
Alnus rhombifolia |
Black Cottonwood |
Populus trichocarpa |
Red Osier Dogwood |
Cornus sericea |
Pacific Ninebark |
Physocarpus capitatus |
Black Oak |
Quercus kelloggii |
Douglas Hawthorn |
Crataegus douglasii |
Mock Orange |
Philadelphus lewisii |
Nootka Rose |
Rosa nutkana |
Snowberry |
Symphoricarpos albus |
Spirea |
Spiraea douglasii |
Threeleaf Sumac |
Rhus triloba |
Blue Elderberry |
Sambucus cerulea |
Red Flower Currant |
Ribes sanguinium |
Oregon Grape |
Berberis Aquifolium |
*This list is subject to change and does not include Perennials, Herbs and Annual flowers and veggies. Each spring we will have a wide range of these species available for purchase by local farmers, gardeners, and land managers.
For information on the Nursery and an up to date availability list, please contact the Farm: info@whiteoakfarmcsa.org