White Oak Farm is offering a 7 month Natural Building Practicum in 2017 for one qualified builder. The position will provide the opportunity for an aspiring natural builder with at least one year of experience to practice their craft through the construction of a
small cob/straw/light straw clay classroom as well as additional projects including plastering, solar hot water, carpentry, and more. The builder will work with the Farm staff, interns, workshop participants, volunteers and school groups to implement the projects, providing ample opportunities for creativity, leadership, skill building, and experimentation.
The Natural Building Practicum is designed to provide experience to an individual with an interest in developing their knowledge and skills for a life and career in natural building. The program requires hard work, a good attitude, the ability to live and work with others, and self-motivation. The builder will receive simple housing in their own wall tent, staple foods, farm fruits and vegetables, and access to farm facilities including kitchen, phone, internet, showers, ponds, and a sauna. There is also a monthly stipend. Responsibilities of the program include three days per week of building projects as well as one day per week working on the farm, and daily chores. All Farm residents are also expected to communicate clearly, be self-motivated, and work hard.
The program runs from April 1st to October 31, with a one month trial period. Prior experience in natural building is required for participation. To apply please send a cover letter describing your relevant experiences and interests, along with a resume and references to info@whiteoakfarmcsa.org