There was some excitement this morning when a small flock of wild turkeys came to visit Tomás and the Girls. The four noisy gents hung around for about an hour, loitering outside the deer fence, ogling our three hens, and engaging in a gobbling battle with Tomás.
The hens didn’t seem too excited about the appearance of the rugged strangers, a little bit curious, perhaps. The interface between the wild things and the domestic critters is really fascinating sometimes. I’ve mentioned before that the turkeys have been known to chase wild geese away. Lately though, the wild goose pair has been an asset – noisily ridding the farm of any rival goose pairs. Our farm cat, Dillybean, freely associates with foxes and is likely to have a host of other woodland friends as well. Even the domestic animals have interesting relationships; the turkeys are fascinated by Dillybean, and she is terrified of them.